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Inspection of Work on a Strategic Road System for Dakar

Client Issue
The Senegalese government and city of Dakar decided to build a bypass circumventing Dakar via the Corniche road, coordinated by the ANOCI.
Apave inspected construction work on a two-way, four-lane road with public lighting, an "urban" bed 17.50 wide and a GBA median strip and lateral sidewalks. It includes interchanges and many traffic circles on level ground. Section 2, Apave’s portion, runs nearly four kilometers through the "Mamelles" volcanic area, requiring major rock excavation work (more than 10 meters high) in extremely geologically varied terrain. The path also crosses a ravine (access to the Mosquée de la Divinité), requiring construction of a large embankment (maximum height 10 meters, for total length of 500 linear meters) using a "Terramesh"-type reinforced earth technique.
Apave Solution
Apave Sahel’s project involved inspecting the work on a strategic road system for Dakar intended to ease urban travel and transportation. The contract employed 15 people for the equivalent of 128 person/months. The Ouest Corniche road runs along the ocean and connects downtown Dakar to the Les Almadies tourist hotel area. The project involves many wastewater and engineering structures (supporting structures, overpasses and underpasses) and special protection for large slopes (sprayed concrete and rip-rap) to ensure stability and protect against storm water erosion. The project required extensive demolition (garden walls and buildings) and major work to shift utility systems (including water, power, telephone and wastewater) and rebuild accompanying structures.

Apave - South Eastern Europe. Copyright 2009. All rights reserved